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In the future, how will we solve problems for which architects are currently our best answer?

All professions are about to be radically disrupted - by technologies such as AI, but mostly because of the looming convergence of social, environmental and economic tipping points.

This journal anticipates the coming disruption, and how that might turn into a way of making a living in a sustainable way.

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The Future of the Professions

In the future, how will we solve problems for which 'professionals' are currently our best answer?

The Future of the Professions
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The Spatial Web

How the convergence of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and extended reality, will manifest as a transformational, spatial network.

The Spatial Web
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Re-imagining architectural practice

How, in the future, will we solve problems to which architects are currently our best answer?

Re-imagining architectural practice
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The other kind of A.I.

Four architects who successfully expanded the definition of architecture and helped to shape the digital landscape

The other kind of A.I.

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Spatial Practices

Reflections on architectural activism

Spatial Practices
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Spatial Agency

Awan, Schneider and Till lay the groundwork for another way of doing architecture

Spatial Agency
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Space craft

What are we educating architects for anyway?

Space craft
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Architecture Depends

Jeremy Till reintroduces architects to the real world

Architecture Depends