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The Future of the Professions

In the future, how will we solve problems for which 'professionals' are currently our best answer?

The Future of the Professions
Members Public

Spatial Practices

Reflections on architectural activism

Spatial Practices
Members Public

Spatial Agency

Awan, Schneider and Till lay the groundwork for another way of doing architecture

Spatial Agency
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Space craft

What are we educating architects for anyway?

Space craft
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Architecture Depends

Jeremy Till reintroduces architects to the real world

Architecture Depends
Members Public

Architectural Intelligence

Architectural practitioners with a goldmine of ideas, exploited, for the most part, outside of the profession

Architectural Intelligence
Members Public

Soft Architecture Machines

Groundbreaking developments, five decades ahead of their time, by The Architecture Machine Group

Soft Architecture Machines
Members Public

A Pattern Language

A Pattern Language is an instruction manual for humanity, to build everything from small objects to entire towns and cities.

A Pattern Language
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The Timeless Way of Building

Uncovering the elusive 'quality without a name' that is at the heart of all living environments.

The Timeless Way of Building
Members Public

The other kind of A.I.

Four architects who successfully expanded the definition of architecture and helped to shape the digital landscape

The other kind of A.I.